Sunday, June 28, 2009


June 28
Slept in. Missed church. But what can you expect when we didn't get home until 3 am last night? Kurt took the kids swimming and I stayed behind while Estelle had a much needed three-hour nap in peace and quiet. They got back just in time for us to go to evening church at 6 pm. We got there right on time, and the pastor's wife (who I met on our last trip) informed us we had just missed it. They'd had a special early service that day. Oh, well. We walked back in the blustery cold and had a quiet time (relatively) 'at home.'

1 comment:

  1. We know the feeling. We totally missed church too. Trying to get ready to get outta there. I am sitting on your couch as I write this, and we`re off to Kalispell tomorrow to look at a bus.

    Since our Mac died last night, I have started a blog here too, so you can keep up with us as well. it`s under http:\\
