I woke up and surveyed the damage from last night's storm. All the stakes holding the 'patio room' in place were dislodged and the 'walls' were flapping in the wind. Bronwyn and I secured everything again as best we could. Bronwyn is giving Jo some practice with his writing skills. They are playing 'Spies" and writing each other secret messages. Josiah has never had so much fun writing. Learning by default-I always love that!
I hustled the kids first thing this morning to the pool so we could get in on the morning family swim. Naomi is a little 'pooled' out. She was more interested in going home to fill her belly. Ezra, on the other hand, owned the place. He threw caution to the wind, and jumped in all over the place, and let the lifeguards know which toys he needed to make his swim more enjoyable. Kenzie and Jo made some friends and I met their mother in the hot pool, who is also a friend of the Hanthorns. Small world.
The kids were very generous with themselves as they dished out some more of Vern's ice cream and I went for my swim. While I was gone, the kids played 'Restaurant.' Bronwyn made menus and signs for the "Sloppy Jo and Mac and Cheese" Diner. All items could be purchased off the menu for a said number of kisses. They had a ball.
Another evening of entertainment was on the agenda. We saw Rik Leaf and Tribe of One. One guy played the guitar and tried a little too hard to be profound and revolutionary. The female bassist/percussionist had spent a couple of hours at the hospital for food poisoning and was just glad she made it on stage. Another girl stood to the side and painted on a big canvas for the entire performance. It looked very abstract. We couldn't tell what she was painting, but when all was said and done, it transformed into an image of an Inuit man. Neat! Bronwyn was mesmerized. And last but not least, a native girl did a variety of dances to the music in different costumes.
Mackenzie said, "That's the first time I've been to a concert and never been bored at all. If I didn't like the music, I just watched the painting and the dancing." Naomi, with food still on the brain, could only think about the concession stand. Ezra and Evangeline vacillated between awe and fear. Josiah focused on the singer's hands, drumming out some of the rhythm on his guitar. Jo couldn't stop talking about it. Who knows what Estelle was thinking. I was amused seeing the varied responses of my children and fatigued trying to control their outbursts. I might as well have tried to hold back the ocean. And I am SO GLAD Kurt is supposed to return tomorrow.
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