Yesterday we made it to church, just down the road. The message was great. I loved going there on our last trip. We renewed old acquaintances and the rest of the day was pretty much a swim day.
We somehow managed to blow a tire on each buggy. So much for walking everywhere; it’s just too much for Ezra and Evangeline. Even with the short walk to church, they were dragging their feet. We took it as an opportunity for Bronwyn to practice driving in a small town…and for me to sit calmly in the passenger seat. We are both going to need more practice.
Today was Bronwyn’s 15th birthday. Kenzie made her pancakes for breakfast. Josiah gave her a fossil rock he found, as well as a loonie of his own. The little guys drew her pictures. I took her out and bought her some moccasins-the genuine article!
For each child’s birthday, I cook the dinner of their choice. Typically, they choose something they love or something I don’t usually let them have. So just like on her 13th birthday in Inuvik, Bronwyn chose-horror of horrors- Pizza Pops for supper and a white slab cake. She loves the icing on those cakes. To each his own.
We also ran around town to find a thermal shirt for Kurt. With the cold wind blowing off the frozen ocean, his gear isn’t as warm as he’d like. It took three stops, but we found one. We dropped it off at the office and it will be on the plane tomorrow. I talked to Kurt’s contact there. Lo and behold, there were three buggy tire tubes in storage, left from a previous trip. Woohoo! Keegan did the repairs and our buggies are fully operational again.
Keegan’s reserved his birthday gift for the evening. He bought chips for Bronwyn with a specific purpose in mind. I finished reading the children The Fellowship of the Ring last night and Bronwyn asked, rather, pleaded, to watch the movie. She really wanted Mackenzie to see it now that she had heard the story. I gave in and Keegan thought it only right to give his sister some snacks.
Keegan just informed me that he desperately needs my assistance. A crisis involving a mess in Evangeline's undergarments. Duty calls.
Duty calls? or doodie?