Wow! Two relaxing days in a row. It was a bright sunny day with just enough breeze to keep the bugs at bay. Kurt was supposed to go to Tuktoyuktuk (say that fast three times!- or just call it Tuk, for short, like everyone else) today but there is 4 feet of snow at Johnson's Point where he's supposed to work. You can't move contaminated dirt when it's frozen and under a heap of snow. He'll be going to Tuk later this week to prepare for two other projects he's doing along the Arctic Coast.
Kurt biked with the kids, with a trailer in tow to buy groceries. I thought you might like to know the price of tea in Ch-- I mean, Inuvik.
4 L jug of milk $8.95
Bananas $3.83/kg or $1.74/lb
Water cooler jug $7.95
1 kg of apples $5.51
Mini bell peppers $16.30/kg or $7.40/lb
1 kg bag of frozen corn $5.51
Broccoli $5.15/kg or $2.34/lb
Box of Mandarin oranges $14.91
Of course, junk food and packaged food are considerably cheaper, which must account for all the pudgy children we see here. Or course, my kids salivate, too, when we go past the ice cream stand!
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