I drove Kurt to the airport, bound for Tuk, at 9 am and left the kids sleeping. I was in no danger of them waking up before I returned, that's for sure. But I did give Kenzie a head's up.
It was so buggy today we didn't venture far from the trailer. They seemed to be coming right through the walls. Estelle had a difficult time sleeping. They'd hover around while she was dozing off. Her hands would flail in front of her face and then she'd whine, whimper, and wail until she woke herself up. A very fitful night.
It was our first day without Kurt, my tech support, and my computer would not talk to me. I've never been very fluent in tech-speak with all its three letter acronyms and new-fangled words. Needless to say, no blog entry. I better get it figured out before he leaves for 2 weeks at a time!
June 26
Estelle woke up with welts from mosquitoes feasting on her face during the night. She even had 2 dead ones caught in her cobweb-like hair. Eureka! The enigma of Estelle's hair solved! It does serve a purpose.
The kids were playing on a hill with the buggy at a distant campsite, so I left Evangeline coloring in the trailer to go check on them. When I returned, I couldn't get in! Evangeline had locked the door! With both sets of keys inside! I instructed her how to unlock the door, but really-how much success could I really expect with a 2 year old? Surprisingly for me, I did not panic but gave the situation to God. The others came back and I relayed our predicament. Josiah piped up, "No problem, Mom. Diana left the keys out when she unlocked the bikes!" I have never been more thankful for a child's forgetfulness!
We walked to the library and it was packed with kids. A 7-year old girl, Skylar, picked up Estelle a couple of times, but all she did was cry. So she moved on to Evangeline, who was more than happy to be doted on and carried around. Mackenzie was sitting in a corner enjoying some books, but another girl, Raylene, sat as close as she could and just stared her down. Kenzie giggled and went out of her way to be kind. Raylene asked her to go out a side door to play at the park, asked her to come to her house, and when that didn't work, she offered to buy Mackenzie ice cream across the street, if she would just come with her. Mackenzie, looking for some reprieve, came to me and asked, "Mom, can I go color a picture on the other side of the library?" I consented, but her hideout was discovered. Mackenzie spent some more time with Raylene, and then she came to me again and asked, "Mom, can I take care of the baby for a while?" But with a baby in arms, Boo only attracted more attention to herself. We left shortly after, and Mackenzie said, "We should pray for Raylene. Her parents got divorced yesterday, her siblings are split between their mom and dad, and her good friend is moving to Yellowknife next week." So many children here are in need of a friend and some Good News.
I picked Kurt up tonight and he's scheduled to leave Monday for Johnson's Point.
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