The plumbers arrived on Monday and have been working hard at the church. The four workers are staying for the week at the Hanthorns. Wayne said he was in the same boat as everyone else now- he’s going to have to leave before the church is finished. But they sure are doing all they can.
Kurt made it to PIN-B, also known as Clifton Point. It’s a site he’s never been to before, unlike the others he has visited year after year. He’s starting from scratch and can only hope to get a good start on the job before the cold weather sets in. He said the weather is beautiful, 11 degrees and no wind. He couldn’t ask for better weather in September. It got plenty warm here too-17 degrees- an Arctic heat wave! However, there is visible snow in the mountains, so we better enjoy the warmth while we can.
Naomi is in a drawing frenzy. We have paper stashed , crammed, and stored in every nook and cranny in the trailer as she cannot part with any of her creations. Bronwyn took matters into her own hands and gave Naomi a drawing lesson from the book I used when she was Naomi’s age. Naomi was thrilled and can’t wait for some more instruction.
Josiah, on the other hand, has baking fever. He has been making chocolate chip cookies and wacky cake like nobody’s business. At least his creations are consumable, and he is really enjoying the fruits of his labor.
Bronwyn has a running ‘gig’ now. There is an older fellow with Down’s Syndrome, Martin, who stops by the Hanthorns ‘ frequently. He sits down on the couch, points to the violin sitting in the corner, and says, “I know how” as he makes bowing gestures. That’s Bronwyn’s cue to play him a few songs. Martin loves it, and Bronwyn said “It’s kind of like having a job.”
And she should know. Bronwyn got her first real paycheck on Monday from her job at the Tent and Canvas Shop. She was ecstatic. I don’t think she had even considered that she would be paid for her time there. She was just happy to fill in for Sarah, so she could go to Whitehorse with the rest of her family. Bronwyn is continuing to work there this week so Sarah can do her month-end accounting.
Bronwyn and Mackenzie, along with Ruth and Annah, got their swim team jackets. They look very sharp and their names are going to be embroidered on them. The Tent and Canvas Shop will personalize the jackets. They will make nice souvenirs from McPhoo, and from the very shop where Bronwyn worked. Isn’t that perfect?
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